Celebrating 58 Years

Echoes Of Ellington
Echoes of Ellington is a dance theatre tribute to the great Duke Ellignton, based on original compositions and arrangements by Billy Taylor from RRDC's Poets & Peacemakers acclaimed muliti-arts productions.
Edward Kennedy (Duke) Ellington has been acknowledged by the world as the premiere musician-composer-band leader of the 20th Century. From the 1920's at the Cotton Club in Harlem, through the 1970's at Carnegie Hall and symphony halls throughout the world Ellignton was a major force among his peers, and a favorite of the public worldwide.
The best of his work has inspired the admiration of music lovers and the eternal respect of his fellow composers, orchestra leaders and musicians. Ellington's place among the recognized immortals of contemporary music has been assured.
"Echoes of Ellington...an engaging suite of dramtic and humorous vgnettes based on everybody's favorite Ellington tunes."
-New York Times