Celebrating 58 Years

Keep ON Goin'
Founder Rod Rodgers’ dramatic tribute to heroic women of color, is inspired by historic achievements (and personal motto) of legendary leader of the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman.
It is from the company’s acclaimed POETS & PEACEMAKERS series of thematic dance theater works celebrating Black Heroes of American Culture: “…if you are tired keep on goin’, if you are scared keep on goin’, if you are hungry keep on goin’, if you want freedom, KEEP ON GOIN’… Harriet Tubman”
Other women who are honored in this suite are Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Beecher, Winnie Mandela, Katherine Dunham and Mary McCloud Bethune.
“KEEP ON GOIN‘…“ juxtaposes traditional and contemporary figures. This muti-arts production featuring original music by Joe Jennings, with segments by Traci Chapman, Bernice Reagon and Nina Simone, explores images of women as leaders in ongoing confrontations in the struggle for freedom and equality.